Wednesday, June 20, 2007

EIA Ch. 6: Hacking

In The Hacker Crackdown, Bruce Sterling writes that hackers perceive hacking as a game, that it never feels real to the hackers. This is so scary! Just like in The Blue Nowhere, hacking and social engineering was a game to get to the next level.
I like what Mr. Sterling says in the second paragraph of his statements on page 301 of our book: "If 'hacking' is supposed to be so serious and real-life and dangerous, then how come nine-year-old kids have computers and modems? You wouldn't give a nine-year-old his own car, his own rifle, or his own chainsaw..." AMEN!
As many of us in this class have stated on the discussion board, we need to be more vigilant in our supervision. We need to explain the AUP document and ramifications for not following it to our parents. Kids are getting to be more and more technologically proficient and it is our job, as their teachers, to make sure the understand and follow the rules, for their own safety!!

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