Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Ch. 5 EIA: PATRIOT act

I feel that the PATRIOT Act is justified to keep the people of the United States safe. If you've got nothing to hide, why worry about whether or not you are under surveillance? The terrorists that crashed those four planes were living, working, and plotting right under our noses! How many suspected terrorist cells has this legislation already helped uncover? How many more are there yet to be discovered? The terrorists are showing no sign of letting up. If we let up, what will they do next?
The PATRIOT Act "provides federal law enforcement and intelligence officials with greater authority to monitor communications, gives the Secretary of the Treasury greater power to regulate banks which prevents them form being used to launder foreign money, makes it more difficult for terrorists to enter the United States, and defines new crimes and penalties for terrorist activity."
I, for one, am happy to have that added security after the attacks of September 11th, 2001!


Bryan said...

I agree that many parts of the Patriot Act were necessary (as well as many other things that have not been implemented). However, I think it will be interesting (and scary) to hear how it is being misused in some instances. I guess it comes down to the conflict between freedom and safety. Too much of either and society cannot function.

Bryan said...

Two things that should never go together

Favorite Movies: Bambi and Sound of Music

Astrological Sign: Virgo